Friday, November 23, 2007

for sale

i hope you people like our new product.. those interested in having one please call kokken(017-3276678) or yitwei(017-3260521).. only RM9.99 for this piece of masterpiece and if u are one of the first 50 people we will throw in free toilet paper and for the 1st 5 customer will get exclusive autograph from kok ken and yit wei.. a once in a lifetime offer =D (first come first serve basis).. artwork will be sent to your house for a cheap price of RM3.50 no matter where your house is... all items are bound to hardwork tax of 35%.. so all in all the whole thing would cost RM18.22.. not a heavy price for a girl(or guy) of your dream dont you think? so what are you waiting for?! call now and be happy for the rest of your lives, or don't call and see other people being happy for the rest of their lives.. satisfaction guaranteed..


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