Monday, March 10, 2008


well...i hate to admit this but yes I'm am planning to run for the next election together with yit wei as my adviser..and it will be an interesting and entertaining party as we know that both us has all the criteria to be a candidate for the coming election and on top of that we have the looks, the body, the balls which most of them doesn't have..and i know appearance plays a big roll in election and maybe that's why hannah yeoh won because she's pretty...but but..we know that we(yitken) are much better looking,hotter,sweeter then her..besides that what can be more interesting then both the adviser and the president share the same underwear..=D

and yit faster wash and return back all my underwear..u curi all of them without telling me and now im basically wearing the wearing my housemate does make my butt look sexier.....(what am i saying)..EHH..faster return back la..i need it desperately..and send it back here at setapak kie..thx.


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