Monday, May 12, 2008

Yes its true

yes dear fans it is true. we have decided to go public on this. the reason we havent been updating the blog is because we were too busy. i wanna go for a sex change operation because when i saw the magazine it was the perfect body! he/she has become my idol and i wanna be just like him/her and win beauty contest. this is because kokken has already set his targets in bodybuilding. if we both join the competition, there will only be one winner(obviously me) and he wont be able to win anything so ive decided to end my winning streak to give ken a chance to win. i now aim for beauty paegents and tranny awards and hope i will be able to win it. we will then have a perfect family =) a champion male and a champion "female" in the family! so yea now i need to go for counselling and join a group cause this is a major decision and it will affect my life. i mean our (me and ken's) life. so if all of u dear readers support this move please say so in the comment box. ur support will be greatly appreciated! btw the picture earlier was just a rough sketch and after professional photoshop we have come up with a new picture which i will paste on the bedroom door. this will remind me what i wanna become everytime i wake up!

this is the final product and what i will look like if i undergo the sex change. to me, it looks perfect! hope everyone out there thinks the same too!


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